Sentence dictionary
kantor apostolik
in a sentence
adam kantor
The show starred Lauren Molina ( Waverly ), Adam Kantor ( Darren ), Heath Calvert ( Luke ), and Lauren Blackman ( Lisa ). The cast starred Danny Burstein as Tevye, with Jessica Hecht as Go...
alfred kantor
Alfred Kantor was born in Prague on Nov . 7, 1923. In 1971 he published them as " The Book of Alfred Kantor ." Alfred Kantor, an artist who survived the Holocaust and later published a boo...
anna pavlovna kantor
When he was 6, he entered the Moscow Gnesin Special Music School, and studied there for 12 years with Anna Pavlovna Kantor.
arnold lee kantor
Arnold lee kantor
david kantor
By Peter Rossi, Phil DeLurgio and David Kantor. Other prominent faculty members included David Kantor, Peter Senge, Otto Scharmer, Edgar Schein and Michael Jones. "If you build it, they wi...
eliran kantor
The cover art was done by Eliran Kantor ( Sodom ). Artwork for the album was created by artist Eliran Kantor. The cover artwork was created by Eliran Kantor. The artwork was made by Eliran...
elizabeth kantor
""'The Politically Incorrect Guide to English and American Literature " "'is a 2006 book by Elizabeth Kantor, the sixth book in Regnery Publishing's " Politically Incorrect Guide " series....
israel kantor
This was their debut performance, and it received a favorable reception from " Latin Beat Magazine " : " Lead singer Israel Kantor delivers majestically flora beginning to end ".
istvan kantor
Shortly before, a conflict between him and Neoism founder Istvan Kantor had escalated and led to their alienation. His suggestion was taken up in 1979 by the Hungarian-Canadian performance...
james kantor
Mayor James Kantor said Preciado-Elliott, who was born in New York in the United States, lived near Barlow on a main road that runs through the mountain village. :Other Jewish ANC activist...
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